A blogging site intended specifically for tennis players to share their views and opinions about tennis and anything having to do with the lifetime sport of tennis. The blog site is owned and maintained by Vickie Wright and should not be misconstrued as a product of CATA and should have absolutely NO reflection on CATA or the fine work that CATA does. Vickie is not responsible nor culpable for any comments posted on this blog.
Vickie's contact information is and my cell number is (512) 922-7220.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

ATTENTION to all WTTA tennis players:  Due to large league growth, WTTA teams will be fully split into North and South Geographic regions starting with the fall 2011 season.  It is anticipated that the league will be starting play one week earlier for most flights so we can end our season by the end of November. 

Because of this, we are "volleying" around the idea to host a WTTA end of season Championship match for all flights.  For example, flight 1 North Champions (Sandy Arico's Cimarron's Tennis Express) would play against the flight 1 South Champions (Dorie Gordon's Grand Slammers), the 2nd place team in the North would play against the 2nd placed team in the South etc....  We'd do the same for all the placed teams within each flight.  Let me know if you like the idea and if you think that your team would choose to participate.Here are some issues that need to be squared away by Susan Cippele and the WTTA board.
  • Would you want an event give-a-way WTTA shirt?
  • Would you prefer a TEAM entry fee or individual entry fee?
  • Would your team be willing to provide balls?  If you provide balls, entry fee would be a bit lower.
  • Would your team likely participate?  You'd have to have 8 players for your team.
  • Subs on your sub-list could be used to fill out your team of 8.
  • What do we do if only 6 on a team wish to participate and you have no available subs?
  • We would likely have to do it over a 3-day period due to the number of courts required.  Days of week would be Mon., Tues., Wed., to not interfere with USTA league play.  Courts would be difficult to come by on Thursday's and Friday's.
  • What do you think is a reasonable entry fee for this.  Bear in mind there are embedded costs such as additional court fees, balls if provided by WTTA, food and beverages, t-shirts, TD and site folks to help run the sites, awards if we opt to go with that for the Championship match in each flight. 
Let me hear from you if you have some good suggestions or feedback.  The WTTA board wants to host this event FOR YOU so send along your thoughts.  I think it would be great to gather everyone together from a particular flight, enjoy some good tennis, fellowship with our North/South compadres that we don't get to see and/or play with the new flight splits.  Sound like FUN?








1 comment:

Charlsa said...

I think that'd be a lot of fun! I don't see the need for t-shirts...most of us have more than enough of them as it is. And I'm sure almost everybody would be fine with providing their own balls. Thanks!
Charlsa Bentley