A blogging site intended specifically for tennis players to share their views and opinions about tennis and anything having to do with the lifetime sport of tennis. The blog site is owned and maintained by Vickie Wright and should not be misconstrued as a product of CATA and should have absolutely NO reflection on CATA or the fine work that CATA does. Vickie is not responsible nor culpable for any comments posted on this blog.
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Sunday, April 10, 2011


I think singles should be played before doubles, absolutely.  It's insane, and frankly dangerous, that singles is played in the hottest part of the day down here.  I moved here from Houston in 1994, and in the Houston leagues I played in all singles were played first, with doubles following.  I would strongly support an effort to change this approach for Austin tennis.  Thank you!


Anonymous said...

Since single matches seem to take longer than doubles, you could start 1 singles and 2 doubles with the remaining single and double following, in that order.

Anonymous said...

I also think that singles should have a 10-point tie break but doubles should have a FULL 3rd set (like WTTA matches). Rarely have WTTA matches gone past 21/2 hours. If matches start on time (at 9:30) they should be finished by noon. In my experience most WTTA matches are done by 11:15-11:45.

jb_mcgary said...

My oppinion is...

Line 1 Singles
Line 1 Doubles
Line 2 Doubles

These lines should start first.

Then, Line 2 Singles should follow Line 1 Singles and Line 3 Doubles should follow the doubles.

Texas is too hot to have the singles start so late.

EWoodard said...

Definitely agree with starting singles earlier, or splitting, like the first commenter suggested. It just gets too hot for singles matches to be starting at 11-12 and going through the hottest part of the afternoon!

jb_mcgary said...

My opinion is that ...
Line 1 Singles, Line 1 Doubles,
Line 2 Doubles should all start at the same time with Line 2 singles following the singles and Line 3 doubles following doubles.

It is too hot for the singles players to start their matches so late. Singles do a lot more running and exertion than doubles and need to play their matches earlier.

jb_mcgary said...

I feel that L1 singles should start at the same time L2 and L2 Doubles start. It appears that most feel this way too.

However, I am seeing that there are votes against the singles playing earlier.

I would love to hear back from the people opposed to the singles playing first. I would really like to hear why they feel this way other than it would be a burden to the doubles players.

jb_mcgary said...

Looking at the poll, 30% of the tennis players disagree with singles playing first. However, none of these voters have made a comment to support their decision.

If you disagree with this potential option, please post a note so we can understand why you feel this way.

Since there isn't a response from the people who disagree with it, it appears that they only disagree due to inconvenience. I hope this isn't the case and would love to understand their view.

jb_mcgary said...

At this point, 30% of the tennis players have disagreed with allowing the singles players to start their matches first. However, none of these voters made a comment on why they feel this way.

Since there aren't any comments from the 30%, it superficially appears that the only reason they do not want the singles to play first is because of the inconvenience to the doubles players. I hope this isn't the case.

If you disagree with the singles playing first, please leave a comment so we can try and understand your point of view. = )

This note isn't meant to be critical in any way. It is only meant to clarify each sides point of view.