A blogging site intended specifically for tennis players to share their views and opinions about tennis and anything having to do with the lifetime sport of tennis. The blog site is owned and maintained by Vickie Wright and should not be misconstrued as a product of CATA and should have absolutely NO reflection on CATA or the fine work that CATA does. Vickie is not responsible nor culpable for any comments posted on this blog.
Vickie's contact information is and my cell number is (512) 922-7220.

Friday, April 1, 2011


Woo that Berry Creek got beat today by Danger Zone (thank you Barbara McGary)  it's anyone's ball game in the Women's 4.0 Adult Weekday League.  There's a cat fight in the making for next Friday at The Courtyard when many of my good tennis friends on the Tennacious team play host to the only undefeated team this season, my very own team, THE Wilco Breakers.  Should be a good cat fight with lots of clawing and gnashing of teeth for point, game, set, match.  I can hardly wait for all the fun in the sun :-) Let the count down begin....7 days to DUAL.


Anonymous said...

can't figure out how to respond or comment on your blog. There are two undefeated teams in the south....

ZOO GIRL said...

After publishing this CAT FIGHT post, I received a comment by Anonymous 4:44. I looked at the SOUTH teams and sure enough, there's another CAT FIGHT next Friday. Polo Partners, captain Alecia Ragan hosts Lakeway Closers, captain Jennifer Jorgenson. BOTH teams are currently undefeated. Who will be THE SPOILER! Polo plays at home, so that may prove to be the deciding factor. Stay tuned to next Friday's blogposts for up-to-date cat fight results.

Anonymous said...

Not sure this posting is appropriate from a CATA employee.

Anonymous said...

Hate much?

Anonymous said...

Oh get a grip...she's not a CATA employee when on this blog. It's all done in fun.....and many of her friends are on the Courtyard team. Perhaps you're just upset that you guys got beat today.

ZOO GIRL said...

Wow, my humor-intended cat-fight post, which was done all in fun, has stimulated a bit of posting from one or two in our tennis playing community....Noting anonymous 7:19...I have no way of knowing who posted the CATA comment...but let it be known this blog has NOTHING to do with CATA or me as one of is employees.

ZOO GIRL said...

4 days to dual....

ZOO GIRL said...

3 days to dual...all are filing their claws. How fun is this!

Sandi Corey said...

loved the cat picture, lol. The competition at the 4.0 level is exciting right now--we have many great teams/players--and I do believe there are several teams that are capable of winning the north division. Just happy to be in the thick of it, and proud of my team. :)

RM said...

When you host a blog you'll find that there are "cats" who hate everything and everybody and are just looking for a place to find fault with something or someone.

Just ignore the petty, cheap criticisms and keep blogging. Of course they have never entertained the thought that they don't have to read the blog if they don't like it.

Anonymous said...

does the cata board of directors have a written policy regarding employee participation on blogs? if they don't they should draft one. most corporations, even non-profits, have written policies restricting their employees from writing blogs related to the activities of the corporation. of course,this is to prevent the appearance of conflict of interest or favoritism-both of which are exemplified in this blog.

Anonymous said...

REALLY.....Girls Just want to Have FUN....the "cat fight" will be June 4