A blogging site intended specifically for tennis players to share their views and opinions about tennis and anything having to do with the lifetime sport of tennis. The blog site is owned and maintained by Vickie Wright and should not be misconstrued as a product of CATA and should have absolutely NO reflection on CATA or the fine work that CATA does. Vickie is not responsible nor culpable for any comments posted on this blog.
Vickie's contact information is and my cell number is (512) 922-7220.

Thursday, March 31, 2011


Do you have issues that arise on your court that cause you to have a short fuse?  There are a few that I hear about routinely that many of us share.  Feel free to add to the list by sending me an anonymous post (I won't even know who sent it to me in email, I promise).  OK, here's the initial list...
  • Continuous bad line calls on "critical" points (ad out, game points, set points).
  • WIND with missing or NO wind screens?
  • Opponents who take too much time between points
  • Opponents who take too much time during changeovers
  • Opponents who warm up to WIN, instead of participating in a "cooperative" warm-up
  • Opponents who warm-up with their team, then warm up with you (their opponent) and THEN have to go to the bathroom before the match starts, having wasted 30 minutes
  • Opponents who call a let just after you've struck a winner and you get into a cat fight about whether to replay the point or award the point to the team that struck the winner
  •  Opponents loudly CHEERING from the sidelines when you make a mistake and not for a good point or shot
  •  The majorly rude opponent who tells her partner loud enough for your to hear not to be concerned for your safety when they've struck an overhead smash and it hits you?...This one REALLY happened at a FAR NORTH site within the last few weeks 
  • Team captains that refuse your team to play a line on a court beside them (team had a late match), when they had a match there from their own team earlier in the morning
Let me know if you have others that I might post...sometimes we all need a little sensitivity training.


Anonymous said...

Opponents who measure the height if your net using the "1 racquet + the head" rule from 30 years ago.

Anonymous said...

oppponent yelling "watch out" to her partner, just when you are about to hit an easy overhead.

Anonymous said...

This is the only way I could figure out to comment. League annoyance: host captains who do not let you know there will only be 3 courts at the scheduled match time. Isn't it their job to find out?