A blogging site intended specifically for tennis players to share their views and opinions about tennis and anything having to do with the lifetime sport of tennis. The blog site is owned and maintained by Vickie Wright and should not be misconstrued as a product of CATA and should have absolutely NO reflection on CATA or the fine work that CATA does. Vickie is not responsible nor culpable for any comments posted on this blog.
Vickie's contact information is and my cell number is (512) 922-7220.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Fun WTTA Tennis on Thursday....

Ok, so my WTTA Team, played a fun Wilco team on Thursday of this week.  I smashed a ball at my opponents feet as hard as I've EVER hit a ball ever so proud of my winner to put us at deuce instead of game and set.  This sweet  little darlin' of an opponent (yes she's cute and little, which only made it worse); anyway this sweet darlin' sticks her racket out, hits the ball AND not only gets it back, but hits an outright WINNER for the 2nd SET.  Normally a few choice expletives might have come flowing spontaneously out of my mouth, like a backfiring combustion engine....It was such a nice shot though that all my partner and I could do was stand jaw-dropped in absolute SHOCK & AWE.  She has to have the absolute BEST hands I've ever witnessed on a tennis courtLet's see if you can guess who that might have been...Check out the poll to the right and offer your votes!  If none of those names fit your on-court experiences, you can always post a comment of someone equally as stellar on the court....I'll later inform all my fellow bloggers who this little darlin' is and how to best avoid her on a court :-)

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